

A Film!CanaryIslands Production
Producer: Norbert A Schilling - Director: Jaime Falero - DoP: Santiago Torres

Tenerife South is an action/thriller crime series set on the "paradise" island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. This series is currently being developed by Film!CanaryIslands.
Producer: Norbert A Schilling , Director: Jaime Falero, DoP: Andy McLeod, Executive Producer: Nersas Ferrera, Location: Tenerife.

NDF Munich - Germany
Producer: Rudolf Pitzl - Director: Andreas Jordan-Drost - DoP: Lothar Stickelbrucks - Service Producer: Norbert A Shilling; Location: Tenerife

Moovie - Germany
Head of Production: Dieter Salzmann - Producer: Oliver Berben - Line Producer: Susanne Hoenisch - Director: Gloria Behrens - DoP: Jochen Rademacher - Service Producer: Norbert A Shilling - Location: Gran Canaria

TV Bastards
Producer: Steven Pauwels - Director: Frank Tulkens - DoP: Wout Hermans - Service Producer: Norbert A Shilling - Location: Tenerife


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FilmCanaryIslands S.L. is a company registered in Spain No: B-38987269

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